Wednesday, December 30, 2009

oh oh..

Damn... its Dec 30th and I havent posted in almost 1.5 months. Which I guess is pretty much par for the course. Ive got to be the laziest blogger of all time. No wonder why only 3 people read this.

I will be posting (belatedly) about the photography course I just took in Nov. (Noli got to take pictures of models, so Noli was nervous as shit) and the Tragically Hip concert in Dublin in early Dec. this will all happen... it will! One of them Im almost done writing even, it just requires me adding photos.

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas, and enjoy your New Year. Id actually finish off those posts now, but Ive got to catch a ferry to stupid Victoria, and spend New Years there, playing videogames. And Yes I just turned 25 years old. Thank you Thank you..


1 comment:

Eman said...

i read that makes 4