Monday, December 06, 2010

Walking Dead

Holy sheep shit did this blog ever die the quick abrupt death. So today its back to life, but now in a slowly dragging, thoughtless mindless, zombie sort of way. Moan....

I was looking at my stats this year. 12 posts. And my last one was in August. It looks like I got divorced from my one post a month minimum. Shot it dead in the head apparently. I do feel sorry about it, the compromise of one of the few standards and commitments I have left, but in actuality? Im little numb to it. And about that numbness, the numbess which in itself makes me quite sad. Its the close friend you use to hang out with all the time, but just never see anymore. I really hate that, every single time it happens. Its never good, although we seem to eventually acccept it and live with it.

In 2004, and starting half way through the year, I posted 51 times in 6 months. I was PROLIFIC!! And this year, only twelve. Well 13 including this one, once I hit the publish post button. How the not even mighty have fallen. But dude, that was also 6 years ago. Scary.

So anyways I just watched the last episode of the Walking Dead, hence the whole Zombie theme. What an awesome show. Loved it. Ive been thinking alot about the eventual zombie apocalypse lately; what i would do, how i would fit in, what skills I would bring. Where I would go first, what I would do to survive. I recently met someone that has actually taken up Archery to boost her zombie apocalypse CV / Resume. Now how impossibly cool is this chick? She had me at hello.

And its perfect timing because like I said, Ive been really really really into zombies lately, maybe its because of my morbid year this year, who knows (see all previous posts this year, Ive been infinite sadness all 2010 so far). So yeah Zombies. They're the new vampires. And they are better. Because its scarier. Whats scarier in real life? Dracula? Or a uncontrollable unstoppable wave force of scary walking dead that cannot be abated? Dracula cant bring down the world. Zombies? They dont call it the zombie apocalypse for nothing, they bring down governments, societies, civilization. Just as long as there are no new age fast zombies. I like the thought of being able to out run zombies. Those fast zombies are complete bullshit. Like really... I just want to be able to out run the next slow fat guy to survive. I dont like the idea of having to be like Usain Bolt in order to survive. Id be dead too.

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