Friday, April 15, 2005

Tomorrow... or I mean Today

Oh my fecking gosh... Im so in a rush right now, running out of time, as always. Work is acting the maggot and does not cease in finding a way to keep me insane up until I leave (Tues went home 9:30, Wed home 10:30, Tonight, mid night), whilst I still have to pack and get ready for this vacation trip (Another trip! So Good! right now Im like woody allen at the footsteps to a chinese orphan adoption agency...), which starts tomorrow. Even though I have nil time, I needed to post something on the blog... something... just to say hi, at the very least...

JUST finished packing, when I discovered that somewhere along the way I lost my Lets Go! Ireland travel guide. Sommawhore.. I hope to heaven that it might be at work. Anyways packing is one of my least developed attributes, i have sorely subnormal skills. (like nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, computer hacking skills) My plan of attack though is bring the least possible with me, which translates to the most room available for some Madrid shopping. Im always thinking. So far so good... i didnt even have to employ the rolling clothes technique yet. As of right now they are still "proper folded for the drawer" style...

Speaking of shopping, I am SO proud of myself that I made it through London this weekend without having to sell a kidney. Miracles upon miracles, you can count this up there with me going to Amsterdam without going to the red light district (I know! Ridiculous! Im still scratching my head on that one). Yes, its almost up there in terms of relative scale, heres what I did: I made it through Camden, Carnaby and Oxford Street... and only bought two things! Only two! If there was someone here Id high five them.. a jumping high five even.

I stayed with Chi-ing and really like her new pad... its pretty decked out with high ceilings, granite counters, and a just too sweet bathroom. Best part though is her Smeg kitchen appliances. Smeg, in the UK, is some of THE best kitchen hardware available. I would say its the Beemer or Mercedes of Kitchen stove tops and fridges. The one thing I dont understand is why they named it after smelly sticky body secretions. Like you wont see me anytime soon contemplating buying a toaster or grill if the brand name was Sweaty Pubes.

kay rambled a bit too much, wrote more than I expected... its really late, and I still have to be sensible and wake up. Shit, its only about 14 hours until I need to pick up O'Chow and O'Chin. (we are going to be turning heads, its like we are the forward line of the Chinese Imperial Army team)

Hasta Luego...

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