Sunday, May 22, 2005

Saturday Night Movie

I feel like quickly commenting on a film, for filler. 3 friends were over last night, Miriam and Jamelia who are from France, and Renata who is from Brazil, and we watched Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I learned in Brazil it was called "Brilho Eterno De Uma Mente Sem Lembracas", and in France its was called, "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind". LOL Anyways normally I mention movies that are notable for some reason, and this one gets that box checked because it came up to me as a mild suprise, wholely unexpected. I was startled by how much I enjoyed it. It shouldnt be a surprise really, the movie is over a year old and critics and public have praised it repeatedly. I just paid no mind. It flew under my radar, and wasnt on the list of movies I was making a point to eventually watch. To be honest, Im dubious of movies that mess and distort with reality and conscience. They are always wildly inventive, and no doubt even better when high, but sometimes they kinda give me a headache, even though I end up appreciating them in the end (eg other Charlie Kaufman creations Adaptation and Being John Malkovich). This one somehow played better than those others though. I expected a chill night watching some random movie (Meet the Fockers was all out), and instead enjoyed myself quite contently on a movie I didnt expect much from, so kudos. Plus the best part of the movie, we see Kirsten Dunst in tight tee and panties, jumping and dancing on a bed. So Awesome. [Noli pumps his fist]

This came on the same day that I watched Episode III. Yeah, that was good too.

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