Friday, August 11, 2006


Dont know if youve been watching the news. My my my... why didnt I see this coming... and by this I mean Heathrow Airport getting a Terrorist Plot alert the same mutha-effin day I fly off to Sydney. The one trip that I REALLY look forward too in my 2+ years in Ireland, and stupid terrorists Plot foils me. Knowing my luck, which if it werent for bad luck I wouldnt have any, I should of seen this coming a kilometer away (metric system).

So I woke up this morning getting ready to pack, and then turn on BBC News, and then I see Heathrow in a state of alert and all flights cancelled. This is while Im packing my board shorts and tee shirts. Got a few calls from John and Fin and Murray at work, laughing at me because my trip was in Jeopardy... bastards (even though Id totally do the same). I had to try though... logic being that my flights are late enough in the day, and there would be no way airlines would be stupid enough to cancel long haul flights because of the logistical nightmare. I just needed to get to Heathrow.. which was the bigger problem... and my biggest pannick.. apart from the fact that no carry on luggage was allowed and that Id have to check in my laptop and .. gulp.. iPOD!!! Terrorist bastards...

BUT Im here in Singapore Airport now on a 14 hour stop over, by far the best airport in the whole world and the most ideal place to stop over. Just came back from a swim(had to buy speedos though because again I couldnt carry anything on), waiting for my reflexology foot massage, scheduled in 15 minutes, whilst surfing the internet for free here in one of the many superb lounges. Now only if Singapore can get rid of the musky too humid smell thats found everywhere (Korea -> kimchee... Singapore -> musty musky) Need to end this now because some Singaporean girl is waiting for me so she could oil massage my sore feet... its the least to expect on a stupid day... damn right.

(post editors note: speedos as in board short speedos. And one-use only cuz they were ugly grey with built in underwear)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice that your in Singapore. Scary that you bought Speedos
