Sunday, August 06, 2006

Best Store in the World

Most people that know me, know that I take shopping very seriously. I dont lie, my hips dont lie, and I never lie about shopping especially. Its a part of me. You would also know, the eight of you that still acually read this thing, that I love shopping in London. Its one of the greatest places in the world for retail therapy. And, funny enough, at the exact same time the worst as well, since its so bloody freakin expensive; infuriatingly expensive.

Well this weekend Im in London again, for shits and giggles (Im absolutely loving the fact that I could conceivably visit the likes of Paris and London for shits and giggles... like, what a bizarre station in life. Who the frig am I?) And again I praise the shopping potential of this town, its un-freakin-believable. Let me praise one particular store individually this time; Selfridges on Oxford St. And I absolutely do not hold any punches by sayings its literary the holy grail of shopping. Its the mecca, its the Mt. Everest, its the Heidi Klum. Seriously it has absolutely everything you coud dream of, but unlike Harrods, actually hip and cool. If you could imagine a store that successfully combined every possible thing you could be looking for (Seven, Nudie, Bang & ofussen, Bose, Ted Baker, Miu Miu, Y3 Adidas, Tumi, Crumpler, Agnes b., Hummel, Ted Baker, Paul Frank... I could go on forever ) selling ,computers, clothing, books, elecronics, furniture, housewares, sporting goods, mountain bikes... but all with a hip and modern super chic bent. Any kewl brand the awesome side of Walmart, its there. It honestly does blow my mind everytime I get to go, its the coolest store in the world, and my most favorite store ever, with FAO Swartz in New York a distant second. Yep its that good.

And I didnt buy anything today. Spent 3 hours in that mo fo... and bough zilch for myself because Im Po... honestly its self inflicted masochistic torture. And feck ya, Im going back tomorrow...

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