Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I was never really a prolific writer. In elementary school, high school, university, I always wrote the least amount possible. 1000 word essay, Mr. Hikida? Okay.. youll be lucky if you get 1001. I dont think I ever enjoyed it, it was my least liked class in school, simply Ive always found it hard to write.

What was lacking I think was inspiration and motivation, which I admit i struggle with to this day. What Im slowing figuring out though is finding out when to write and recognizing those prime times, as they come; to channel. Like almost anything, you cant really FORCE anything in life and expect to create something of notability (unless you have beyonder type skill in some form of expression); its intangible but these things have to happen on their own and develop organically. Writing has to be organic, or its gonna suck. And the funny thing is these small triggers happen all the time to everyone everyday, and I think Im beginning to recognize them better, and therefore take advantage. A Large flux in emotional states, for example, just dawned on me as a substantially sensible time to write; the mind is open and exploring, and the eyes are taking in the surroundings unfiltered and unbiased. Ready to express yourself and outlet. Combine that with a state of drunkedness, and also listening intimately to emotionally charged acoustic music... you have a pot of gold.

Im saying this now because, as pansy as it sounds, Im in a restaurant in Margate, UK, watching the sunset past a landscape of this beach spanned seaside town. And its exceptionally gorgeous. After a fairly rough and emotionally trying couple of days, I could see this with unlocked eyes and write about it. And coincidentally, that is 300 words exactly.

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