Friday, October 31, 2008

Woeful and Poor

I dont think anyone reads this thing anymore. I have probably contributed to that, some. Need to write gooder and more frequenter in order for anyone to be compelled to visit but I do have the worst case of writers block, lasting almost a few months, and simultaneously Ive lost my humor. Where did my baby go? I wonder where she ran off to. And Its not like I dont have anything to write about. I do. My sister got married over 2 months ago for example, and have since moved on to New Zealand. It was an exhausting wedding for me, I now shudder at the prospect of ever doing a 3 event wedding ever again, but that being said, still thoroughly fulfilling simultaneously, it was my sister getting married after all. It cant get much more special... more special than my own probably, because I reckon mine, with personally ingrained farouche tendencies, would be spontaneous and exclusive during a random getaway (I can only gather).

Then I went to New York for a few days with Lisa and Sofi. And ran my first distance race. Somehow surviving without injury, which is a huge accomplisment by itself becuase, well I have bad feet. For real. Not bad as in ugly, (personally I believe I could be a foot model), but bad as in they do not react favorably to long distance concrete running. They are much more in favor of long distance sponge floor running, but alas the world is not paved with gymnastic mats, as fun and practical as that may sound. Then I went to Scotland, Edinburgh and Glasglow for work... visiting both cities for the first time in almost 9 years. This was trippy because both were the first European cities I had ever visited, and therefore held a delightful mark in my memories, and now being forced to contrast to my current biases (Edinburgh still holds up.. Glasglow, not so much). Then there was a weekend in Sardinia Italy, meeting up with the Pachows as an interlude to their Italian honeymoon. Of course it rained for the first time in like a 100 days just when we arrived, but hey, the craic was still mighty.

Now Ive regressed, and thankfully remembered to post on this very Halloween night with no plans. If I waited till tomorrow, Martins bday, then I would of broken one of my few most cherished rules. Post at least once a month. Phew, I have grown to be largely pathetic, I admit, but at least i made one save... but really with no audience, Im practically writing to myself.

Mini highlights of the last 3 months;

- Purchased a blu ray player. Im now addicted to everything HD because Im enthralled at just the chance of watching beads of sweat roll down someones nose in intimate detail. Also counting down the days to the release of WALL-E.

- While training for the New York Human race, I once ran 3 days in a row, which is like a huge record for me.

- Its Halloween, and I love the fact that there are no kids that live near my apartment. I rule.

- Going to watch the new James Bond tonight. Yes this is a highlight.

- Over the last 3 months, I cant for the life of me, stop listening to Glas Vegas, MGMT and Vampire Weekend. And usually I get sick of songs rather quickly.

- I successfully pulled off my first mid game soccer step overs last week, without looking like an idiot in slow mo, or tripping over the ball mid stream, that is.

- I can no longer hold my liquor. 3 weeks in a row I have gone out on Friday night, and the next morning felt like a pair baboon balls. Im old.

- Was scolded for wearing jeans that were light blue, although the scolder insisted that they are white. White jeans? are you like for real? Well, that scolder is deluded and has occasional lapses in fashion sense, so I paid no mind.

- Its been two months since I have purchase an article of clothing, which is alike another huge record for me.

- On a related note, tomorrow Im off to Belfast. Might buy some Uggs, if I find them.

1 comment:

PPP - PennyPencilPixel said...

dood watup mang... what u talking bout man??? we still read your blog. Its actually water cooler conversation @ my office on what the hell Noli is doing over in Ireland. Seriously... Some co-workers of mine have like a man-crush on u or something. LOL.

Ok ok the last one is a figment of my imagination just to make u feel better. But ya I still check up on ur hilarious stories once in a while. Maybe one day I can roll like the Pinoy international man of mystery, Noli...