Thursday, November 13, 2008

How to judge objectively..

I think I am pretty unique in the way I judge people. Most of us use looks, character, manners, a persons language, their temper, their attentiveness and of course most importantly a person's fashion sense. I use most of those too. But I actually add a few more that are more specific and off the beaten path, the road least travelled, if you will. This is just me though. These are deeply personal. :D

-Before we start, people have to agree that Brenda, Dylan, Kelly, Steve, Brandon, Andrea and Donna comprised the greatest cast ensemble in the complete unabridged records of Television. If you think Im missing someone, Im not, because that guy was a tool. He doesnt even deserve that name. He should be called Bronze. or Copper.

-I judge people based on their chopstick skills. I do. If you cant use chopsticks, sorry there is something about you to be left wanting. Full stop. Or you better have a bulletproof, water tight, goretex excuse like "you have no hands" or "you are mentally handicapped" or "you're country bred Irish". And for those who are, lets say, 'unconventional' or 'unorthodox' in their chopsticking (the cross chicken technique, and the low bridge hold technique, etc.), for example like a certain 'P to the Ham', well lets just say you are walking a razors edge...

- I judge also by one of the most polarizing topics in Pop Culture. MJ. Michael Jackson. Thriller has to be respected as the best album ever produced in the history of forever. There is no compromising on this. I dont care what he looks like now, he has Peter Pan disease and Vitelago skin botches, so he gets a pass. And even Cho, my Prince worshiping childhood friend will have to nod his head in quiet approval.

- Unattached earlobe? okay. Attached earlobe? Disgusting...

- If you were a fan of the Bulls during the late 80s and early 90s, a Cowboys fan during the 90s, then Im not sure I want to be your friend. Because this would mean you are a complete Poser. Or a Pana, whatever. Unfortunately two of my best friends fall into this category. Moreover, to add insult to injury, they are Yankees fans too. Unbelievable what i put up with sometimes for the sake of best friends. (80s Oilers fans, and 80s-90s 49ers fans are okay though. I like those teams thats why)

- Uggs. If you wear Uggs outside of the confines of your home (for other than feet warming abilities)? Im sorry but its quite possible youre on the rickety path to Stephon Marbury levels of douchbaginess, in my books, and that is not a good thing. Uggs ( and the close cousin, the rubber rain boots with fancy print) are 2000s version of Disco one piece suits with butterfly collar. Like seriously, I bet sometimes people in the higher echelons of fashion sometimes have ' I dare you' bets for the laugh, and then awkwardly are visaibly uncomfortable when they create a uncontrollabe monster trend with the sheep followers of no soul society. Fluorescent tops? Acid wash jeans? Piano key Ties? Mens Leather pants? Crocs? Chicks with jeans to the belly button? Everyone knows how retarded they look now. Im just sayin...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love it Hanoy. It was ALL about the Bulls back in the day. MJ was lights out, and nothing made me more happier then seeing the Bulls whip that lame-ass tandem of John Stockton and Karl Malone, TWICE!!!

I know you're a fan of hardworking Haywoode Workman type players, but lets be honest here. Luke Ridnour? Where is that guy now, playing in the PBA for the Manila Puncits?

P.S. - Now that we got Sundin, we're going for the Cup!!! That's my team, the Vancouver Canucks!!!