Friday, January 16, 2009

Vampire, its the new Black

Its seems like you cant get away from Vampires these days. Even from Ireland, a bit outside and a bit behind the North American pop culture grapevine, I could still tell. The sense of it started this Christmas with the Stemcell girls, when I saw Jill clutching her Twilight part 3 book. Eclipse? I think thats what it was called. Jill and Crystal were raving about the series, even though I paid no mind, Im not the target audience. Girls are. Particularly preteen / teen ones. After noticing how the movie completely dominated the November / December box office, I was picking up on the trend.

Then there was my first day back to work. I was talking to my old Boss, shooting the shh..., catching up and trading Christmas break stories, and he complained to me how his household, particularly his 10 year old daughter has gone Twilight mad. Shes reading the books, obsessed with the cult of Twilight, and pestered her father to take her to the Theatre to watch the movie, and also persistently asking for a torrented version on the computer. Its getting pretty crazy, like High School Musical crazy. Ive even hinted towards this in other forums; Stephanie Meyers is quickly evolving into the new JK Rowlings, but with a odd teen romancy bent.

So there are four books. And a fresh movie. All essentially about Vampire romances. (The movie is shit though. I was curious and tried to watch it. I turned it off 30 after minutes, although my mind started wandering after only 10) Back in October, strangely enough, I started working my way through the new HBO True Blood series. And whats that about? Vampire romance in Louisiana (with loads of nudity this time). Unlike the unstoppable train of Twilight, this I actually followed, and enjoyed to some extent. It was completely different, good on the most part, not the best, but enjoyable enough, mostly because of its racy tone. And there is a supporting character dude, with a money Cajun accent. Cajun accents will make any show 10 x better, by formula. But still, it was even more of the same: Vampires (even though for me, chronologically the trend actually started with this show).

Funny enough, this all leads to the best part of the current Vampire rage, even though its the least publicized. It just happens to be the case that one of the best movies of 2008 is a romancy pre teen Vampire Swedish foreign film. I just finished watching it and Im beaming; seriously, it immediately motivated me to write this post. I was completely sucked in because of the story, the sympathic characters, the haunting yet innocent acting and most especially the breathtaking style. (eg. Successfully nailing the impossible task of combining blood and children without being disturbing) Its a masterpiece, the best movie Ive seen this winter. Awfully hyperbolic, considering I've watched the Wrestler, Gran Torino and Slumdog Millionaire all within the last couple weeks (no interest whatsoever in the story of Benjamin Bratt, Titanic Road or the Reader, apart from maybe Kate Winslet being naked loads, apparently).

The movie is 'Låt den rätte komma in' or Let the Right One In. Engrossing, its also impossible to describe because it has footprints in so many genres. Its a horror thriller, but at the same time a child's tale, and a preteen romance and yet a fantasy, but also a dark drama. The greatest importance is it lingers and makes you wonder about it after the movie is over. And thats exactly when I love movies.

Lastly, I dont believe it could of possibly come out at a better time, juxtaposition. Its the Anti-Twilight.

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