Thursday, March 31, 2005

Im on it, get on it, the troops are on fire

The last couple of days Ive been dealing with the nightmare of doing my Canadian tax return OUTSIDE OF CANADA. I shouted because apparently, when you are living outside of Canada and no longer a resident, you have to fill out the form BY HAND. No electronic submissions. Only manually. Using a calculator. And writing numbers into little boxes with Pen. Then mailing it in. With a stamp. Like what the faaah? Who exactly does it by hand now? Apart from stupid people that dont know you can do it using computers, or accountants that get their jollies "doin it oldskool"? Well, theres me... I guess. I havent done my taxes by hand, in I dont know, I cant even remember... I dont think I ever have. And now I have to, its like being forced to do long division and divide 234917 by 384.62 with pencil and paper, when there is a calculator right in front of you, just to tease. Now I see it as Canada's backhanded yet subtle punishment to all those leaving the country. Its anachoristic torture. Now add insult to injury, and rub vinegar, tabasco and lemon into the wound; after I struggled through the process, filling out that sommabitch (took me four hours).. I reviewed it and found out I screwed up. Now I have to start all over again, cuz unlike Nicole doing crosswords in pen, white-out is not acceptable.

The only thing that kept me sane through this was listening to Kasabian over and over. Its the first album Ive actually properly bought in the longest time, and it is fabulously, unbelievably, crotchgrabbingly transcendent. Or as Morris would say "Sooooooooo guuud.." Every song just makes me wanna pee. An absolute pleasure... if you like this new rush of original music from Franz and Killers and Muse and Doves... you need to have a listen. (MJ you wont like it though, no mushy love songs) In my opinion, its the best overall album, top to bottom, since Radiohead- The Bends, Dr. Dre- The Chronic and Michael Jackson- Invincible. I cant wait for me iPod/Ressurected to return so that I can start to take it with me... Again.

Oh yeah, did I tell you? Steve O'Jobs came through (actually it was Stevinder Jobhar, since the Apple support call center for Ireland is located in India), and they are sending me a new replacement.. no worries, dont even have to pay for shipping. Stevinder rules...

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