Thursday, January 05, 2006

Still Here

Hi. Happy New Year.

I was suppose to fly back today.

I missed my flight though.


In the span of 30 minutes yesterday morning, due to work issues, I went from going home to Ireland, to staying and fly to Japan from Vancouver.. to going home to Ireland again, to finally flying to Louisiana from Vancouver in a couple weeks. And the week aint over yet... things may still be shuffled still.

Major hauls for the Xmas season: Lost Season 1 DVD, which I already have, so will trade in for Sin City and Into the Blue, aka, the Alba package (Alba in a bikini for an ENTIRE movie, are you freakin kidding me? That shit sells itself. If it werent for Brian O'Conner's involvement, we are talkin 100 Million plus blockbuster, easy. ). Really disappointed though that I went a "O-for" on my Christmas wish list. No cashmere socks, no tumble time tigger, no nothin. What a scam... what a total scam. Its not like I was asking for much. So I take it back, all women are nutjobs, across the board, no doubts, sprinkled with a dash of evil {Haha.. nervious laugh.}

I did get my Ride Havoc 159 though... with the Transformer Metroplex as deck art. I may be the biggest poser ever on a snowboard, by far... but really isnt it all about lookin fly? Like if your going to be a poser.. do it full tilt. The more you suck at something, the more overtly lookin good and decked out you have to be. Thats my rule. Im like the personification of Hongerized Honda Civics...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey now, there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with looking good even though you suck at whatever you're trying to do, not that I would do something like that....