Thursday, April 27, 2006

Orange County

I stopped watching the OC half way through the 2nd season. We grew apart is what happened, after the lesbian scenes there was no where to go anymore. And the best character on the show was Anna... and they let her fly off to bloody Pittsburgh because she prefered it to southern california... so yeah, no realism there whatsoever.

So I stopped coming to the table... the food didnt taste as good as it used to, and they probably got daft enough to start using tabasco in their Curry Dish, which is like commiting an act of symbolic incest (I worked on that line for a good a month, btw, you better appreciate it. Im doing a Hulk Hogan ear to the crowd right now...) OC was almost off my radar, until yesterday, where out of nowhere I found out Anna had quit her job as an assistant at James Camerons production company and is coming back to the OC. Annas BACK. What will I do? Lost and 24 are building to a crazy climax, Sopranos have come out again, Entourage is ready to reload in the next few months... Earl and Crab Man are still making me laugh, really I dont have any time (or more like download bandwidth limit) for the OC... but with Anna? Tough call... Samaire is the best ever.

So ends another pointless post about TV related characters. {Noli does a Soccer-player-style over-the-head clap to the crowd}

PS I should name drop Marty more often, hes funny when he "retorts", anybody wanna hear about the time when we were gambling in a Casino in Monaco?

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