Tuesday, June 10, 2008

random thoughts out loud

The return of the bullet point, the often used device for written out thoughts without care for transition or structure... Im watching Euro 2008 right now, so with my attention wandering in between, its kinda easier for me. That being said:

- Watching Sweden vs Greece right now. I cant help but think that the Greek dressing room smells like Tsatsiki (and I had a hard time trying to figure out how to spell that)

- Also Id lay down good money that the benches in the Sweden sidelines are from Ikea.

- Im backing Espana. Again. They always choke though. But not this year. In dedication to the loonie in center ice at the Salt Lake City Olympics, and the Ortiz jersey buried in the new Yankee stadium concrete, i "sneakily" snuck some serrano ham into my dinner Bratwurst. Tastes better. Now its their year, Germans be damned.

- It must be working too, the Spanish just beat the Russians 4-1.

- Apart from willowy, one of my new favorite words is "Saloperie". Only because swear words in other languages are funny.

- I admire music artists who make it in the industry even though they didnt really have a chance before it started, through no fault of their own, mind you, but solely for the burden of their name. You know kinda like, say... Ryan Adams. "Hey Ryan! Play Summer of 69!!" Like that joke will NEVER get old. If you think about it, Ryan had everything going against him, and only because he came out in 2000 instead of the 70s. Youd think the powers at be would force him to go the John Cougar route. Say for example you were an amazingly gifted singer-songwriter with a unique voice and a great sound. But your name is Dustin Timberlake. See, not a hope in hell...

- I am inherently opposed to jerks. Not because they are societal wankers (they are), but really because of the simple fact that things seem to come easy to jerks. Its as if the world revolves around jerks. I dont know why, it doesn't make sense at all, no matter what rules you care to use in the world, its like the opposite of karma; and this subject irritates me so much that it probably deserves to be discussed in a whole seperate blog post all together. But anyways.. back to the point... jerks... so there is this jerk at work. I call him wonder boy. And I got SO giddy recently at his expense. What happened? He walked into the mens bathroom just seconds after I dropped the foulest duece of like ever (you know how when you smell your own, and it doesnt smell as bad cuz its yours? Well this one, even I was knocked, it was that offensive. Thats what happens when I only eat vegetables for day). I am so immature, but whatever, it soooo made my day, because that duece did not go to waste. The only way the experience could of been any better was if he paid my rent.

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