Monday, November 15, 2004

Cornbread and Collared Greens

My friend Chi-ing bought me one of the coolest gifts Ive ever got a few years ago; The Sopranos Cookbook. It was such a nice surprise because somehow she knew it was something I really liked, even though I never mentioned anything about it, like ever. Itd like to say that it lead me to cook more, but actually, hahahaha, no. I cooked some pasta and "Gravy" once from the great book but that was about it. Other than that, I would make the occasional Chicken Adobo with coconut milk (thanks Anne-Marie) but that was rare, and more usually my meal preparation was like Nicole being stuck in a blow-up balloon factory; that is get through it as quick as humanly feckin possible. Not that being in Vancouver helped. I was profoundly ambivalent when utilizing the frying pan and garlic press, and Ill blame this one on a group of friends that felt that there was no need for cooking when Vancouver had mutiple outfits where food could be bought and prepared for you. And it was bad form and deeply insulting to these establishments if we didnt exhibit any patronage. Didnt want to be rude. Nevermind that grocery shopping was effort in itself.

Dundalk, Ireland, the small country town that keeps me, has changed my cookings ways huge though. I now cook, more often than not. And the wierd thing is, its not because Im trying to impress some girl, which used to be the sole reason i would put any effort in the kitchen in the first place. Its actually stupid Rachel Ray and her Meals in 30 minutes. Its like she is showing off or something... now I watch her and write things down furiously, just like how my Lola did when she watched "Wok with Yan".

And actually another reason I cook more is because MacDonalds taste like crap out here. I know, nuff said. Fries are soggy even... disgraceful.

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