Sunday, December 26, 2004

Boxing Day

I hate boxing day craziness, I am not a big fan of shopping on boxing day. Despite my trepidation, I ended up buying myself a crazy expensive, too-ashamed-to-mention-how-much, jacket. It’s a Orage Jacket though… which is cash-money in itself. And there is no one who can pull off brown like me. And as per my custom, I went into the shower with my new Goretex (or similar) jacket on. It has to be done, I do this everytime I buy a new waterproof/breathable jacket, been doing it since I was 12 and received my first Green White and Red Farwest; it never fails to provide a huge sense of satisfaction.

And tonight, when we go out to Tonic, I predict that Marty will get loaded and go out and dance with ugly fat women, and then pretend the next day that he was too drunk to remember, as a defence mechanism.

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