Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Decembre Michael Jordan...

Leaving on a jet plane in a few hours, Heres the itinerary:

12:00 Leave Dublin.
14:30 Arrive Paris.
19:30 Leave Paris
20:30 Arrive Prague.

All Business class of course, because thats the way I roll. Afterall it is my birthday so.... and Im part of a club you see, the Front of the Bus Club. Its the club Eric and I pioneered and instituted. These are the standards that we members must adhere to. (btw minimum entrance requirement: at least 3 return trips in International Long Haul Business Class, or 1 Trip in First Class. Stupid Air Canada Elite has nothing on this) Anyways, thats a full day with 3 cities for a birthday, pure commuting. Kinda blows, long layover in Charles DeGaulle,
Ill feel like Tom Hanks in the Terminal.

Got the cast off today, and my foot was MINGin. or.. as my french friend Djamila would say... Dees gus Ting.. I actually washed it 3 seperate times today. My lower left leg had not been washed in 5.5 weeks, which is a full 5 weeks longer than humanly acceptable without inciting a gag reflex. The amount of dead skin I shed, it was like I was like a crustacean molting, thought I was gonna plug the drain. First few observations: the ankle is still swollen and looks darker than my other foot, the complete opposite of what i thought it would. I expected it to be bone white, kinda like Irish skin. Who would of thought? My leg is actually darker than when I left it. Its also super sensitive, so I hope nobody tickles me any time soon. Bulkwise, my left calf is half the size of my right calf now; if I didnt know any better, I would of thought I contracted Polio. Walking is a challenge as well: in the first hour of using both my legs walking again, which felt strangely awkward to begin with, my left calf actually cramped up 3 times. Not fun, because people look at you funny already when your gait mimics a Pirate with a wooden leg... even worse when you spontaneously yelp, fall to the ground and clutch your leg to massage the pain away.

Happily, at the fracture clinic, I got the full story this time around, because I actually got to meet with a competent Doctor this time. He actually explained to me what happened to my ankle, which is kinda, you know, helpful for once. I never knew it was optional, anyways. He explained that it was a grade 3 sprain full ligament tear on the lateral malleolus, with fracture on the fibula. EEww. Shit man, last doctor said my bones were fine. What a donkey. For rehab treatment this doctor recommended trying to walk it off, Literally. To be aggressive as possible, along with the standard physio appointments. He told me to Bin my crutches (with pleasure, they are retarded), and try not to rely on any protection, or over compensating by limping too much, just try to work towards walking normal again to break scar tissue and strengthen the surrounding muscles, basically get my brain talking to my ankle again. Given Im travelling soon after, Ill be walking around loads in the next week, what a coincidence. Its like I meant to go on this trip (its gonna be painful though, not too much fun) So far at this very moment, my ankle is defintely taxed, I put in a good immediate workout, well, shopping. Hope and pray now, I dont reinjure, while I practice walkin like Flavor Flav.

Anyways over here on the side <----- I have added my twitter posts. This is a new feature on the 'An Irish Account' Blog, so the lazies dont have to visit the seperate twitter site anymore. Heck, its probably my first fancy feature ever, like leather interior or granite counters. I wont have immediate access to the Interwebs with no laptop for the next week, but at least I can mini update with sms texting into twitter... Which means, and i just realized now, considering Im fully into cyberspace contributions with a blog, facebook and now twitter... that technically Im a complete online Poser. This needs a tee shirt.

Hasta luego...

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